Thursday, March 3, 2011


And that would be - Why Tolerate Fracking?

This blog may be new, but I'm far from it. Been doing this for a long time, and just decided to come out of the closet. Figuratively, of course.

I know it, and you should too. Using a sports analogy, we've gained a few first downs here and there, but so far, the overall battle between the Pro-Marcellus Muggers and the Anti-Fracking Egos is approaching a whitewash. Our wells are being contaminated, and our rivers are bubbling.

As weak as they truly are at the top, the Marcellus Shale Coalition has it right: Band together and act as one.

To my B.A.D. brothers and sisters: if you understand we need to do the same, send me an e-mail and a link to your blog or whatever it is you're doing. I'll take it from there.

Time's a wasting.